Series of 3 treatments
Even a small amount of excess fat in the upper neck area may cause the appearance of a "double chin" that is bothersome to both men and women. The extra pockets of fat beneath the chin (aka the submental area) may be caused by aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations that lead to a weaker chin and jawbone for an undefined profile. This relatively new method is used to eliminate neck fat and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Kybella is the first nonsurgical procedure for submental fat. The active ingredient in Kybella is a manmade version of deoxycholic acid that works like the natural DA in the body to dissolve and absorb fat. Once it's injected below the chin, you may see a noticeable reduction in the volume of fat. Once the fat is eliminated, it does not re-form, so you can enjoy your new, slimmer profile and clear jawline.