Customer Testimonials

Alastin Skin Products

"I have battled with having unhealthy/dull skin since I was a teen.  My skin has dry patches and then oily around my nose.  Until now, I haven’t found a product I am happy with.  I have to say I was skeptical at first.  I thought “here is another product that is the latest and greatest that I am probably wasting my money on” but I gave it a shot due to the data behind it.  I am a mom and I have a career.  Let’s face it, I do not have the time to do some 5 step process every morning and every night.  I started using the Alastin Gentle Cleanser and Restorative Skin Complex about a month ago and over the past 2 weeks, I have received compliments from several people (both people I see on a daily basis and people I haven’t seen in quite some time) on how great and healthy my skin looks.  I have been told I look refreshed.  Ha, fooled them!  Little do they know what I have on my plate right now and I am lucky to get a few good hours of sleep every night.  The only change I have made was the Alastin and now I am hooked on their products."
Alastin Customer